Wednesday, 23 September 2020

My fanstasy Wiriting how do you get to school By Richee


The little girl packed her bags to go to school then when she reach to the zipline there was a massive fire that was at the lake.She was to scared to go over it because it was getting higher  by the minute so she just went then got stuck so she tried wiggling but it did not work so she just let her self burn. !!!!! By Richee

My newspaer report how do you get to school By Richee


Little kids use death-defying zipline to school.When interviewed, one kid, Marshal, 11 said that “he was scared at first then got use to it by going on it everyday from home to school”.He said it is a 900m steel cable and he said it is faster then going down by the river then climbing back up.He also said that there is 2 things that scared him.  Losing  is bag and his shoes so he tinten his shoes really good and holds his bag.It is now faster than walking for 3 hours but now it takes him 20 minutes.When we asked him how does he get he said that there a zipline going up and you get enough speed to go up”. Blog ya later Richee

Monday, 14 September 2020

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

The three little pigs and the big bad wolf

Angry Wolf Blows Down Pig House The 3 little pigs a big bad wolf Yesterday at 2.58 a big bad wolf saw new pigs in town building their house next to each other. Bob the pig said yesterday at 4.20 that when he walked through the woods he saw the wolf looking at him his brother george and his sister crystal.He was frightened but he did not want to tell his bro and sis that there was a pig because it might come after them.So they all found there spots started to build.Bob the pig finished building his house out of straw then the wolf waited for his brother and sister to finished.20 minutes later the 2 pigs finally finished building there and went to go and blow bob straw house down when it happen bob forgot about the wolf forgot that his house was not wolf proof and the wolf came and blowed it down then bob ran for is life and went his brother stick house to tell him.George part.When George got told from his brother that there a wolf he said to bob that his house his not woof proof then bob said don't worry this has nails in it the george said okay.Then the hungry wolf knock on the door and said open the gorge said no then the wolf huff and puff and blowed his brother house down the 2 pigs ran to there sister brick and clay house they both told there sister that there is a wolf and blowed both of there house down.Cyrstal said don’t worry this is made of bricks and clay they said is it wolf proof she yes.And she locked all the doors and windows then she put a hot boiling pot of water incase the wolf went in the chimney.So the 3 little pigs was not letting him in so he climbed the chimney and jump down into the hot boiling water then he jumped up and ran to the lake to cool his but down.20 minutes later the police are finally here and arrested the wolf.As they took the wolf away he said when i am out i am coming for you.But the 3 little pigs said he is back in town but he is on a meat diet.The end